Saturday 5 July 2008

Life never stops!

Oh man, have I told you how much I love life? Haha. Yeah man, life's definitely great, and better than never before! (:

Life's amazing when I walk with Jesus!

Life's starting to get challenging for me. It's getting challenging not because it's gonna get me down, to get me discouraged, to get me sit 'in folded arms and wrapped in my knees' in a corner of my room and feel dejected/depressed over my inabilities!

On the other hand, life's interesting and exciting. It is filled with excitement simply because life's challenging! Now, this 'challenging' is a whole new story.

It's something that gets you wanting for more, it's something to keep you growing in every aspects of your life, it's challenging cause you simply don't know the road ahead! But all you do know, is to just take that step of faith, believing in something great happening in your life, and you walk... and walk... and walk... still unsure of what's gonna happen ahead.

(But deep inside you, you just know something's gonna happen!)

The road never ends. But guess what, you might feel like it doesn't end, but at the ultimate end of everything, you've realised you've managed to endure and persevere the entire seemingly endless walk! Why?

Because you have grown! As you persevere on every few feet, you grow more. You grow in capacity, you grow in endurance. Slowly and gradually, when you hold on to God, He expands whatever you used to be able to take in only, and makes you carry more.. and more.. and more!

And this seemingly small change in you might never seem obvious, but at the end, it all accumulates to a whole new level of change - a level of change that becomes significant to your life.

A whole new level of life. A whole new level of character. A whole new level of substance!

That's what I like man. I feel worldly things don't matter as much. Yes, I might have to agree that sometimes we're living in this world, at certain points we do think about worldly things.

But more importantly, and most importantly, I feel that spiritual things are the entire bulk of living your life! Because, if you have worldly things, and not have spiritual things, but somehow you start to lose your worldly things, what are you left then? NOTHING!

But on the other hand, when you place spiritual things as the most important part of your life, even when you lose all worldly things that you love, you still have God, you have Jesus! No matter what you lose, you will have that undying assurance of God. Ain't that great!

See the light man! Feel God's love, feel Jesus' passion. What else beats that? Absolutely nothing!

In Daniel 1:14-21, it says that Daniel and his friends, together with God, in the end looked much fleshier and fatter than anyone of those who had consumed the king's delicacies. They were happier, they were fuller than any of those who enjoyed the delicacies of the world.

Why then were they fuller? Simple because, they had God!

Man, that's what I love about God. You can not have food for days, you can not have things that you love for years, but as long as you hold on to God. He gives you everything you want. That's what I believe God never fails to do!

God is great! (: